CZM Vision
Center for Zakat Management (CZM) is a pro-poor social enterprise, aiming at promoting the obligation of Zakat ordained by Allah SWT as an economic tool for bringing prosperity to the needy. With a view to institutionalizing Zakat management, CZM works for mobilization and effective distribution of Zakat in an organized and planned manner. With Zakat fund, CZM has been executing various types of programs and has been able to change the lives of many individuals and families in the project areas. Thus, CZM provides management services for proper distribution of Zakat.

CZM Mission
To achieve satisfaction of Allah SWT through promoting the obligatory system of zakat ordained by him.
To establish a just society free from socio-economic poverty through equitable distribution of wealth as per tenets of Islam.
CZM Objective
- To create awareness and enable Muslims to fulfill their religious duty of payment of Zakat in a proper way as per the directives of Islam
- To ensure proper utilization of Zakat fund for the well-being of the poor segment of our society as per tenets of Islam
- To establish effectiveness of the system of Zakat, as an implementable strategy for reducing poverty and bringing prosperity to our society
- To facilitate an institutional platform to enhance collection, disbursement, and effective utilization of Zakat fund

CZM history
Center for Zakat Management officially started its Journey on 14th September of 2008. This has only been the result of many years of careful preparation; work and unbending determination by a group of generous people, with a firm believe that Zakat as an important tool for changing the lives of the poor and the needy of our society.
CZM began taking shape on the 21st of March 1993. On this date, 17 years from today, an initiative, in the name of Zakat Forum (ZF), was privately launched mainly with the active support of RAHIMAFROOZ BANGLADESH LTD, one of the leading conglomerates in Bangladesh. Zakat Funds were privately collected and disbursed by ZF in an organized manner, guided by the principles, stated in the Holy Quran.
This group of people decided to act on their faith and demonstrate an example of meaningful donations of Zakat, compared to other palliative approaches demonstrated by everyone else.
After 12 years of gathering experience, in 2005, Zakat Forum took up another initiative in managing Zakat fund. Targeting 150 impoverished families, residing in Manikgonj, ZF took up a project, named IDEAL Village project. The underlying idea of this project was to completely change the lives of 150 households, with Zakat, in all aspects such as education and economy so that they may come out of the vicious cycle of poverty. This project received incredible appreciations and bringing about outstanding results in fighting poverty. This was an important stepping stone in the journey of Center for Zakat Management.
As more and more people began to get involved with Zakat forum, this initiative began to expand its operations. In 2008, ZF decided to formalize its activities, to become a much more effective initiative in the field of poverty and Zakat. In this pursuit, ZF began to discuss the prospects of this initiative, with consultants from Malaysia, who were experts in Zakat Management.
The poverty scenario compelled ZF to take larger steps in Zakat management. A conclusion was reached, that the problems besieging the people of Bangladesh had to be solved from the people of Bangladesh itself and Zakat would be an important tool.
CZM Legal status
Center for Zakat Management (CZM) was established and registered in the Department of Joint Stock Companies & Firms on 14 September, 2008 under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Regd. No. S-8256 (27)/108). CZM acts as an institutional platform aiming at enhancing mobilization, disbursement and effective utilization of Zakat fund. As a collective initiative for Zakat management, CZM has defined specific objectives, developed pragmatic strategies and appropriate methodology for discharging its duties. CZM developed an organizational structure with qualified and efficient human resources. Besides, transparency and accountability in the decision making process and financial management has also been ensured.

CZM strategy
- Social Initiative for mobilizing Zakat, Waqf & Sadaqah/Charity for equitable distribution of wealth
- Integrated methodical approach for result oriented utilization of Zakat, Waqf & Sadaqah/Charity
- Provides managments services through institution building for effective mobilization, distribution & utilization of Zakat ensuring transparency & accountability
- Ensuring Shariah Compliance